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Code Generation Approaches for an Automatic Transformation of the Unified Modeling Language to the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing Framework  

Christian Benjamin Ries, Vic Grout

Creative and Applied Research for the Digital Society (CARDS)

Glyndwˆr University, United Kingdom I



Abstract .This paper describes the verification process of the UML4BOINC stereotypes and the semantic of the stereotypes. Several ways enable the verification and this paper presents three different ways: (i) specifications of Domain-specific Mod- eling Languages (DSMLs), (ii) the use of C++-Models, and (iii) the use of Visual-Models created with Visu@lGrid [12], [17]. As a consequence, specific code-generators for the trans- formation of these models are implemented into applicable parts for a Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Com- puting (BOINC) project [1]. As for the understanding of how the transformation is realised, a brief introduction about the language-recognition and the way how code-generators can be implemented by use of ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) [11] is given. This paper does not cover all transformations because most of them can vary, i.e. they depend on the target language (e.g. C++) and how tool-vendors handle semantic-models. In addition, steps three and four are realised within the research iterations of this paper.

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