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Web Based Information Retrieval using Fuzzy Logic  

 Mohammad Atique1,Rahul Khokale2

*1 S.G.B. Amravati Uinversity, Amravati, India, Email :
*2 Assistant Professor, PIGCE, NAGPUR,
India, Email :

Abstract .Information retrieval on the internet is necessity of today’s quintessential technocrats. Enormous information is readily available on the internet. Information retrieval is the key application of internet, as it provides knowledge to the knowledge seekers. The volume of data on the internet is very large, and to fetch most appropriate and relevant information are the challenges in WBIR (Web Based Information Retrieval). Many times, internet applications need to deal with large amount of data collected from non-technical users and is imprecise and incomplete. In this paper, Web based information retrieval based on Fuzzy logic is presented. User query which can be vague or imprecise will be analyzed by using fuzzy inference rules and the optimum query will be generated for web crawlers so as to produce the desired web documents effectively and efficiently. The performance can be evaluated on the basis of precision and recall parameters.
Keywords : Web Based Information Retreival; Fuzzy Logic; Fuzzy Inference System

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